Information for website visitors

The municipality of Muravera (hereinafter the Municipality), headquartered in Via Europa, 1, 09043 Muravera Metropolitan City of Cagliari, as the holder of the processing of personal data of the EU Regulation 679/2016 and D.Lgs. 196/2003 as amended to D.Lgs. 101/2018 (henceforth, collectively referred to as.  Applicable Legislation), recognizes, the importance of confidentiality and protection to the protection of personal data as fundamental rights of the individual. It is therefore our first goal to treat personal data according to strict principles of lawfulness, fairness, purpose and storage limitation, minimization, accuracy, integrity, while ensuring maximum transparency on procedures and security measures taken.

In light of the foregoing, and in execution of legal obligations, we release the following.


  1. Scope of processing of this disclosure

This notice concerns the processing of data of those who in various capacities relate to The City in relation to navigation on this site

The Municipality also issues, specific disclosures for other processing purposes to other categories of data subjects (e.g.: disclosures to project participants, its own employees, users of the service provided, suppliers, those who intend to collaborate with The Municipality by sending their CV and others).

  1. Ownership of the treatment

The Municipality in the areas mentioned above is the data controller and issues this notice to indicate in a transparent and easily accessible manner, the categories of data subjects, the type of data and processing carried out, the purposes underlying the processing, the security measures adopted and the subjects to whom the data may be communicated.

  1. Personal data subject to processing

The Municipality processes the personal data of the data subject browsing the site as provided herein and according to the cookie policy available here.

  1. PurposeĢ€ and legal basis of data processing

The provision of navigation data is automatic and inherent in the use of navigation protocols. The provision of personal data via forms on the site is optional and necessary to access specific services offered by the website.

We use the information collected for several purposes, including:

4.1 Allow linking to the website

To ensure the stability of the connection to the site and the normal functioning of network protocols, some navigation data will be used. We pursue this purpose in order to execute contractual or pre-contractual measures. Art. 6 1) b) GDPR.

4.2 Provision of Services

We use the information to provide the services you request, such as answering your questions and processing your requests. We pursue this purpose in order to give effect to contractual or pre-contractual measures. Art. 6 1) b) GDPR.

4.3 Analysis and Improvement

We analyze cookies and browsing data and information you voluntarily provide to improve our Web site, its usability, and the quality of our services. This helps us better understand visitor preferences and optimize our content. We pursue this purpose based on the legitimate interest of the data controller. Art. 6 1) f) GDPR.

4.4 Promotion of services through contact request

The data controller may request the consent of the data subject to use his/her personal data for promotional purposes. The consent given is explicit and free. We pursue this purpose with prior consent of the Data Subject. Art. 6 1) a) GDPR.

4.5 Site Security Management and Computer Fraud Analysis

The data controller is required to ensure the security of its website and to prevent computer fraud. Therefore, the processing of personal data is necessary to ensure an adequate level of protection of information referring to users of the website. We pursue this purpose on the basis of legitimate interest. Art. 6 1) f) GDPR.

  1. Consequences of withholding personal data or consent

With regard to the disclosure of Personal Data or consent, with respect to, for example, the newsletter or for participation in the conferences, failure to disclose Personal Data prevents the completion of the relationship itself or receipt in the newsletter or participation in the events.

  1. Data retention

Personal Data are retained for as long as The City is subject to retention obligations for tax purposes when necessary or other legal or regulatory requirements.

Personal Data, for reasons of protection of the Municipality, may also be retained for the period necessary for the accrual of the statute of limitations regarding possible civil and criminal actions or claims, and will be deleted and destroyed in any case within 10 years of the last processing.

For Marketing purposes related, for example, to the possible sending of a newsletter or for invitations to cultural and educational events, Personal Data are retained until consent is revoked or the newsletter service is discontinued and will be destroyed within 30 days after the service or conference ends.

Personal Data received as part of personnel selection and professional applications are retained by the City in the manner and timeframe mentioned in the appropriate notice.

  1. Disclosure of data

In addition, Personal Data may be disclosed to:

  • companies related to The Municipality, consultants, Public Bodies and Public Administrations related to The Municipality for the project, accountants or other attorneys providing functional services for the above purposes;
  • banking and insurance institutions, if necessary, providing functional services for the above purposes;
  • Subjects who process data in fulfillment of specific legal obligations;
  • Judicial or administrative authorities and Public Administrations, for the fulfillment of legal obligations.

An up-to-date list of the managers and autonomous controllers to whom Personal Data may be disclosed or with whom it is shared can be requested by writing to

  1. Data Dissemination and Profiling

Personal Data are not subject to dissemination or any fully automated decision-making process, including profiling.

  1. Rights of the data subject

Data subjects have the right to exercise the rights recognized by the GDPR. And in particular, each of them, with respect to the Personal Data concerning him or her, may request from the Municipality and obtain from it:

  • to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data relating to him or her are being processed and, if so, to obtain access to his or her personal data – including a copy thereof – and communication of, among others, the following information: purpose of processing, categories of personal data processed, recipients to whom the data have been or will be communicated, period of data retention, rights of the data subject (right of access – Article 15 of the GDPR);
  • Obtain, without undue delay, rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him/her and/or supplementation of incomplete personal data (right to rectification – Article 16 of the GDPR);
  • Obtain, without undue delay, the erasure of personal data concerning him/her (right to erasure – Article 17 of the GDPR);
  • obtain the restriction of processing (right to restriction of processing – Article 18 of the GDPR); (v) receive in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, personal data concerning him or her, transmit them to another controller without hindrance and, where technically feasible, obtain that his or her personal data be transmitted directly by the controller where the processing is based on consent and is carried out by automated means (right to data portability – Article 20 of the GDPR);
  • object to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, unless there are legitimate grounds for the Controller to continue processing (right to object – Article 21 of the GDPR);
  • Propose a complaint to the Italian Data Protection Authority(, Piazza Venezia, 11, IT-00187, Rome (RM) or to the Judicial Authority or through the form available on this page.
  1. exercise of data subject’s rights

The User may contact the company to ask for information or exercise his/her rights by contacting the Data Protection Officer (DPO), by writing to the e-mail address:, or by regular mail to the address: Municipality of Muravera – Via Europa, 1, 09043 Muravera Metropolitan City of Cagliari.


This Privacy Policy is current as of 02/27/2024.